Once you, along with Dr. Franceschini and your General Practitioner have decided to move forward with a surgical intervention because a particular surgery could resolve your problems, it is necessary to understand the benefits, risks, and what to expect from this procedure. It is also fundamental to prepare physically and psychologically, knowing that a successful outcome depends on patient motivation as well; the re-education path, including a correct and methodical rehabilitation often make up an essential part of  the surgical treatment and, if not done properly, can cancel the benefits of a technically successful surgery. It is therefore important to be prepared for what will happen, it is helpful for a faster and better recovery process.

It is critical to reduce the risks related to concomitant disorders and lifestyle (diet, smoking, alcohol, etc): for this it is advised to undergo all specialist check-ups necessary with regards to other disorders from which you suffer to discuss with the various specialists how to reduce the impact the intervention has on them to a minimum.

Losing weight (gradually and not quickly right before the intervention), drastically reducing the consumption of alcohol and cigarettes and toning of muscles all reduce the risk of infection and accelerate recovery times.


Before the intervention Dr. Franceschini will complete a careful clinical and medical history evaluation to exclude the existence of conditions that could interfere with the success of the intervention. Simple clinical conditions of the patient that seem secondary, for example dental abscesses or other chronic infections (cysts etc) can be risky for infections and not to be ignored.

The routine pre-operative analyses that are generally completed a few weeks before the intervention, include blood tests, electrocardiogram and x-rays of the chest and the region to be operated on (if necessary).  An anesthesiological analysis will be used to define surgery risk and decide which anesthesia is more appropriate for your case. The majority of orthopedic-traumatological disorders can nowadays be treated with peripheral anesthesia (spinal and nerve blocks).

In recent years, new technologies, minimally invasive surgery and the use of specific drugs and procedures to reduce blood loss have made blood transfusions less necessary. However, in some cases, in major surgery (i.e. prosthetic surgery), it could be needed.  While recognizing the absolute safety of transfusions, it is possible, in patients that are suitable and relatively young, to auto-donate.


For major surgical interventions (especially prosthetic), a meticulous cleaning of the limbs is required, paying careful attention to the nails and pointing out any simple infections, irritations or skin rashes.

The night before, the patient should take a shower, using antibacterial soap and sleep on clean sheets.

The area of the intervention will need to be carefully shaved, taking care not to damage the skin, even superficially.

Any type of nail polish must be removed, as well as any metal objects (earrings, rings, piercings, etc).

Dinner should not be heavy and after midnight the patient must not eat or drink anything.

The only thing allowed is medicine from habitual therapies, with a small amount of water, (with the approval of your surgeon and anesthesiologist).

Get crutches (if necessary) and all medical and rehabilitation devices that are indicated.